Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Picture Test

I was going to add a picture to my last post, but I couldn’t seem to figure out how to get it to work.  I used to know, but it seems that something has changed.  Not sure what or why. 

After hours of searching tonight, I think I’ve figured out how to make Flickr my photo saver-place of choice now and should be able to get photos from my computer, to the internet, to this blog.  It was actually a very long process for me to figure out.  I still have to figure out how to get my watermark back. 

So, here is a look at how much my son has grown since I last blogged.  It was only about 5 months ago, but there’s been a lot of change in him.  He’s almost two!!!  He turns two this month.  My, how time flies!

12 Dec 2010

1 comment:

  1. Not sure about the watermark, but I use Live writer (I think you had mentioned that you do too?) and all I do is copy and paste them into the post as I am writing saves me a lot of time from uploading them. I am definitely not techy type girl, so...

    He has grown so much! He seems like such a big boy! I can't believe it. And he looks very dapper in his little sweater vest :)


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