Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Ears are Ringing

Jack has realized a new talent. Screaming.

We went to a Pampered Chef party and visited a friend and her new baby today. During both outings, he 'talked' the whole time. He is exercising his voice, and boy is it fit! I was having trouble hearing conversations going on right beside me.

Tonight when we were nursing, he was VERY vocal. He didn't actualy nurse a lot. He 'talked' to me. The thing is, he can be heard down the hall, plain as day. Which means he's LOUD. My ears were ringing after I put him down to sleep.

Know what this means? Tomorrow morning will be his first day in the nursery in church. He can 'talk' all he want's in there!


  1. How did things go at church this morning? Did Jack go in the nursery and did he like it?

  2. Hubby isn't too fond of leaving Jack in the nursery yet. So we sat in the service until he got too loud, then he and I went to the cry room. He did really well since the service was a recap of the camps the youth had gone to this week, and there were several videos to distract Jack. :)

  3. HA!
    But we enjoyed hearing Jack talk.


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