Saturday, July 18, 2009


Talk about Growth Chart moments!!!

Yesterday Jack ate solid food. And by eating, I mean MUSHING it. I've been testing solid foods out on him for a few weeks now. Rice cereal, banana, oat cereal, and sweet potato. (All homemade I might add) Until yesterday, he seemed to like the taste of everything, but he would gag every time something made it into his mouth. It didn't matter how liquidy it was. But yesterday, he conquoured it!

He seemed to be extra hungry yesterday afternoon, and I had just finished nursing him, so I knew I didn't have anything left to give him. So, I decided to try out our new teether, mesh pouch thingy. I plopped some pieces of banana in it and handed it to Jack. HE LOVED IT. Because of prior attemps with it, he knew which end to put in his mouth, and it seemed like he knew it would contain something yummy. I refilled that thing three times with banana before it was all over. I also warmed up some of my rice cereal I'd prepared a few days ago. I put some mashed bananas in it, because I knew he loved banana. Although it was a MESS, he did eat every bite I gave him.

I guess my baby food makin' days are here! I need to go to the store. :)

Jack 'mushing' his teether, mesh, pouch thingy.

The other milestone seemed to appear just this morning. While we were sitting in the glider this morning, he saw his pacifier on the stool next to us. He reached for it with both hands, but this time he pulled the stool to him with his right hand and reached for the pacifier with his left hand. WOW! Smart boy!! He did it again while sitting on Daddy's lap at the computer. He reached for the laptop, pulling it towards him with one hand so the other could start smacking it.

His little personality is really starting to shine. He keeps getting cuter and cuter! And I swear that boy's cheeks must hurt at the end of the day because of how much he smiles! :)


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