Wednesday, November 18, 2009

One Small Step...

Jack took his first steps last night!  I think there were two real steps in all.  We captured the second set of real steps.  The first ones were a surprise to us, but as soon as he did them, I ran for the camera and set him up to do it again.

I thought he may walk before his 9th month was over, but he decided to wait until 3 days into his 10th month. He should be running around by Christmas, right?

If someone would like to tell me how to upload a video, I'll share my 6 second video with you. :) Until then, I'll share this picture of him standing by himself from last week. You'll just have to trust me that he took the steps.

1 comment:

  1. How precious! It brings a tear to my eye as I think about my son's first steps! It's amazing to watch them grow and develop. Next thing you know you won't be able to catch him!


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