Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Time For My Bi-Annual Junk Drawer Cleaning

It’s amazing to me that I let something get so messy and leave it so messy for YEARS.  Who does that???  Almost two years ago I wrote a post about how I cleaned my junk drawer.  In that post, I mentioned how I had cleaned it out a few years before, but that it had gotten out of hand over time.  So, I have to assume that every two years I will clean out this junk drawer.  At least It gets cleaned.  Eventually.

Here is the before THIS time:


I think I see the trays in there from last time I organized.

After cleaning everything out and throwing a lot away, here is the after photo:


I think it’s even better than the after photo from last year time.  The two jars are what I love the most.  One jar holds twist ties and the other holds gumbands.  Raise your hand if you know what gumbands are!  (put your hand down, Mom.  I KNOW you do!)

I know you come here for riveting posts. Glad I could provide for you. 

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