Friday, October 7, 2011

Foto Friday–Machines


This was my suggestion, and it was SO hard to narrow down my pictures to just one.  So I didn’t.  I like that I can do that with this prompt.

A few weeks ago, they repaved our road.  It was a great day for Jack!  We walked around the neighborhood and watched the truck pull the ‘box’ along behind it, laying down the ‘slurry’.  Real technical terms here.


They truck ran out of mix right in front of our house, which means they had to leave the box here and go fetch another truck that had more mix in it.  You know what that means….I ran over and started taking pictures of the box like it was a supermodel! The workers (who were still there waiting for the new truck to come) were a little confused about why I was taking pictures.  One even asked me, “what are the pictures for?”  I said “I just like to take pictures, and how often is one of these things in front of my house?”  He wasn’t seeing how it was a picture-moment. 

It's dirty with slurry

In all honesty, when I suggested the theme Machines, I was thinking more about the machines we have laying All.Over.My.House.  Jack has a few loves, the biggest being machines. 

Think he has enough machines?

I hope you have a great weekend.  Rick took off work today, and he doesn’t have to work on Monday, so it’s a four day weekend in our home!  I wonder what we’ll do (besides doing some laundry and grocery shopping)

(Don’t forget to click on the Foto Friday box to go see other pictures of machines.)


  1. hahaha. I love that you ran out to take photos! The BBC are currently filming Josh downstairs for a documentary (I'll explain on my blog later), but the moment they were out of the room for a few minutes I ran down to take some photos! I wouldn't have done it infront of them though!

  2. The first set of machines are smelly aren't they? But kids sure love when these guys are out and about.
    And Jack sure has a neat collection of trucks! Oops! Sorry Jack, machines. :)

    Thanks for sharing Amanda!

  3. i so would have been out there taking shots too! :)

  4. You know you are a photographer when you run outside to take pictures of things like that. lol.
    I love the shot of Jack's toys.


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