Monday, January 4, 2010

Where Did the Time Go?

I didn't blog through the whole Christmas season!  I know why.  I was busy.  Plain and simple. 

My first time being a SAHM for the holiday season turned me into a nut job.  I decided that I was going to make 10 different cookies for Christmas this year.  TEN!!  Who did I think was going to eat all of these cookies?  I gave a lot away as presents, but I still had a ton left.  Next year,  maybe I'll do just 3 or 4 types.  Or maybe I'll cut down the batches of the 10 I did this year, so I don't have so many left at the end of the season.

We had a GREAT time during our many family Christmas celebrations.  I loved having my sister's family and Mom down for Christmas Eve.  I love hosting them, and we always have such a good time being together.

After that, there are no pictures of family visits.  No more Christmas celebration pictures.  There was little celebrating for me. On Christmas Eve, Jack came down with the pukies.  He got sick around 2am and didn't go back to bed until around 4, after having rid his body of everything.  Then the diarrhea hit him.  We left a day late for our next family Christmas celebration, hoping to give Jack enough time to recover from whatever it was that he had.

While we were at my husband's family's house, I came down with whatever it was.  I stayed the entire evening upstairs in bed, while my family opened gifts and enjoyed each others company.  I was miserable.  I didn't even get to see my brother-in-law at all!  I want a do-over!

When we got home from the weekend, I found out that my mom had gotten whatever it was as well.  She was down for a few days because of it. 

Nice Jack...thanks for the Christmas present!

We spent the next week recovering, and enjoying our little family.  Jack came down with a cold on New Years day, which he's still hanging on to.  I'm glad to get back to a regular schedule.  We still have one more family Christmas gathering to do, and I'm hoping we'll all be well for it!


  1. I hardly blogged during the Christmas season either. And I also did a ton of baking but I quit blogging about it because I thought it would be a little redundant. Hope your little boy is feeling better.

  2. Hope Jack is feeling better! The craziness of the holidays really messed up our regular routine and schedule. I'm hoping that we'll settle back into things next week. What are you doing for Jack's first birthday? I'm trying to get ideas/decide what to do for Elijah...


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